Discover the benefits of yoga

The practice of yoga is as vast as its benefits.

We practice yoga cultivating a holistic approach. If we strengthen our physical body, the internal organs are also stimulated to function as well as possible. Intense poses, at the beginner or more advanced level, will test your endurance. While controlling your life energy (pranayama, mastery of the breath) will allow you to establish greater stability of the Self.


Yoga Nidra
& Meditation

All levels
Effort 40%
Relaxation 100%
Time:    30 min

Yoga doux,
Yoga Seniors
& Yoga Hatha

All levels
Movement 40%
Effort 60%
Relaxation 100%
Time:      1 hour

Yoga Intégral & Yoga Vinyasa

Movement 80%
Effort 80%
Relaxation 100%
Time:      1 hour

Integral yoga &
Yoga Vinyasa

Intermediates & advanced
Movement 100%
Effort 100%
Relaxation 100%
Temps:    1h 30min

A typical class begins in a sitting posture focusing on controlling your breathing. We then slowly move into a physical practice (asanas). Depending on the teacher, the variety and speed of the postures can vary, this is called Vinyasa, and each teacher has their own tempo. Once engaged in the practice of asanas, you are notably led to match inhalation and exhalation, this is called Pranayama, then to focus your concentration on specific visual points. Before the practice ends with meditation, you are invited to settle into the corpse pose, Savasana, a relaxation pose that requires surrender to the sensations of your body to experience deep relaxation. The combination of these three elements will allow you to develop a strength that you never thought possible.

The benefits

 As your practice grows, you will develop physical power and open up to new emotional and mental possibilities. By learning to respect, push or play with your limits, you can also relate this to your own life with new tools. At the end of each class a feeling of personal enrichment and refocusing happens. A deep feeling of letting go, whether it is an event in your day, your own story or your past reveals itself

The teachers







Of course the best way to know a practice is to test it!
We encourage you to find a teacher that corresponds to your style and needs.

Sign-up online

Studio 1: 10 rue Francoeur 75018 Paris
Studio 2: 5 rue Pierre Picard 75018 Paris
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